©2008-2018 - IOT Labs
SMS Donations Australia’s first SMS to donate platform
GiveEasy wanted to find a way to help their clients raise funds faster than before, and we had the SMS platform to help make it happen. Charities can now collect donations instantly by texting an amount or sending a keyword to a virtual number. Similar to texting a short code and billing directly to your phone account, the IOT Labs GiveEasy Donations Platform can be used to directly bill their credit card, safely and securely.
There are four ways to collect donations:
Inbound SMS Donation
You can ask donors to SMS the donation amount of their choice to 0457LIFEFM. From here, two scenarios can happen:
If the recipient has a GiveEasy account already, after typing in the donation amount, they will be sent an SMS confirmation to complete the donation, along with a email receipt.
If the recipient does not have a GiveEasy account, then they will be sent a link to create a new account. Then for any future donation, the quick donate feature will be available.
Outbound SMS Donations
Once someone is part of your database, the process to be a recurring or repeat donor is much easier. A sample SMS could say: “Thanks for donating $50 last year, if you would like to match your previous donation: Tap.Th.is/donate”
Recurring SMS Donations
Setting recurring SMS campaigns is easy. Text reminders can also be set to make sure the donor knows when the donations payments are made.
Community Fundraising
Unique keywords can be generated and fully integrated to complement fundraising links. Each fundraiser will receive their own unique keyword, which is linked to a master campaign. Multiple fundraising groups can also be created.
14 day full access, no credit card required.
A partnership based on giving
- Client: GiveEasy
- Industry: Charity
As premium shortcode billing is not allowed in Australia for charities, we worked together with GiveEasy to develop this solution to enable an easy, low cost way for charities to receive donations via mobile.
It’s important to choose a memorable SMS keyword. Think about something that represents both your brand and your cause. You have the option to attach any specific donation amount to a keyword as well. You won’t need to worry about confusion on the donor end either, since they will need to confirm their donation amount before an official transaction.
For example, an effective keyword for the Hunter Melanoma Foundation might be: happymelon. This plays on the sound of their cause, while adding a positive hope towards the cause.
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Free Trial Available
Ready to take advantage of all the benefits SMS has to offer for your business?
Get started today with a 14 day free trial, and see how easy it is. You won’t even need to punch in your credit card.
14 day full access, no credit card required.